"Success Preceded by Struggle Breeds True Confidence."

— William White, Piked Antler Project Founder


  • U.S. Army Operation Iraq Freedom Veteran

  • Sigma III 45-day Instructor GraduateSecret Security Clearances

  • Certified Fire Arms Instructor

  • 2x’s Certified Combat Life Saver

  • NOLS WFA (Wilderness First Aid) Certified

  • EMT (Level 1 of Paramedics) L1 Certified

William White founded Piked Antler Project in 2017, with the intention of saving lives through shifting minds. Will was a suicidal teen at 17 when he nearly ended his life. Knowing he was headed down a dark path, he chose to join the US Army in 2001. Shortly after boot camp, he was deployed overseas in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom.

After his time serving, he was put back into the civilian world without a purpose or an identity, other than being a soldier. His time in the military was many things, but in the end, it instilled in him the route to, and the value of true self confidence. After a few years of “wandering,” he realized that with his military experience along with his struggle as a teenager, he was now able to identify traits in youth that needed immediate attention.

Hence, Piked Antler Project began it’s formation. His immediate passion is with the youth of today. His goals are pinned on intervening the negative cycles that our youth struggle with today and shifting their lives 1° at a time.

His goals differ greatly when it comes to teaching Adult classes. For adults, the goal is simple….teach you real world survival skills that will aid in keeping your ass alive. We believe in efficiency and efficacy. We leave out politics, spirituality and religion so that we can focus on what’s most important, staying alive. We deliver the “need to knows,” to keep you fed, hydrated, warm and safe.

Spend enough time in the wilderness, and you will have your own personal spiritual experience.

The staff for Kids’ Survival Summer Camps consists adults that have graduated Piked Antler Survival Programs, and also military Veterans, all of which have been vetted and have demonstrated the ability to hold the higher standard. Nobody works at the Piked Antler Project that the owner doesn’t trust with his own life.